features a comprehensive directory of 81343 attorneys and 17707 law firms to help you with your real estate case.
- Alabama
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- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
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- Albuquerque
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- Oklahoma City
- Omaha
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- Pittsburgh
- Portland
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- San Antonio
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Seattle
- St. Louis
- Tampa
- Tucson
- Tulsa
- Virginia Beach
- Washington
- Wichita
Need help with a real estate matter?
Real estate attorneys work on all legal issues around property rights. If you are buying, selling, renting commercial or residential real estate a real estate attorney will give you expert advice. A real estate lawyer will advise on each stage of the transaction, from negotiating, to drafting and reviewing the lease or purchase agreement. Individuals, businesses, schools and even charities are all effected by real estate law. Landlord-tenant disputes, evictions, zoning and rezoning, and property tax issues are all common matters addressed by real estate lawyers.