features a comprehensive directory of 15168 attorneys and 6870 law firms to help you with your elder case.
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- West Virginia
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- Omaha
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- Phoenix
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- Sacramento
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Seattle
- St. Louis
- Tampa
- Tucson
- Tulsa
- Virginia Beach
- Washington
- Wichita
Need help with an elder law matter?
Elder law attorneys primarily work with people as they age. This encompasses many different fields of law including long term care, disability benefits, elder and nursing home abuse, power of attorney, wills, Medicare, retirement, and mental health. Since laws and regulations become more complex, most lawyers do not specialize in all of these areas. When searching for an elder attorney, make sure to discuss your specific needs upfront because the last thing you want is an attorney without sufficient experience in your area of elder law.